Vape products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical.
Minors are strictly prohibited from buying or using e-cigarettes products.

Privacy Policy

Privacy & Policy

So, here’s the deal–we value your privacy big time. When you hang out with us at Nicotine5.com and get in on the action by registering, ordering, or signing up for our newsletter, we collect some info from you. We’re talking your full name, email, mailing address, and phone number–you know, the deets that make sure your experience with us is spot on.

Here’s what we do with that info:

  •  Make your time with us personal and awesome.
  • Keep leveling up our website to be even cooler.
  • Always stay on topof giving you the best customer service.
  •  Process your orders like a pro.
  •  Send you sweet emails that you’ll actually want to open.

Your info? It’s your VIP pass with us. We don’t sell, swap, or hand it over to anyone else. Nope,it stays with us, onlyused to give you exactly what you asked for–whether it’s that epic vapeyou ordered or a heads-up on our latest jaw-dropping deals.

We’re all about security too. When you roll with us, your data’s locked down tight. We use top-notch tech like Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and all that fancy stuff to keep your info safe andsound. Your transactions? They’re as secure as Fort Knox.

Now, about those cookies–not the delicious kind, but the ones that help make your browsing smoother. We use them to remember what you popped in your cart and your preferences. Don’t worry, you can turn them off in your browser settings if you’re not into it.

Your secrets are safe with us–we don’t spill to outsiders. The only folks who get a peek are our trusted team who help us run this ship. Oh, and sometimes we might team up with other cool cats, but they’ve got their own privacy party going on–we respect that. 

A little heads-up for our young pals: Nicotine5.com is strictly for the 19 and over crowd. If you’re not part of that gang, we can’t invite you in.

Using www.nicotine5.com means you’re vibing with our privacy rules. If we decide to switch things up, we’ll drop a note right here. Last time we jazzed this up was on August 24th, 2023.

Got questions? Hit us up at info@nicotine5.com we love to hear from you.

Rock on, The Nicotine 5 Crew

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